Student Leadership Development

At Premier School Management and Education Services, we place a high value on student leadership and recognize the important role that students play in shaping the culture and community of their schools. We believe that every student has the potential to be a leader and strive to provide opportunities for students to develop their leadership skills and take on leadership roles both in and outside of the classroom.

We believe that student leadership helps to foster a sense of ownership and responsibility among students. By encouraging students to take initiative and lead projects, we help them develop critical skills such as decision-making, problem-solving, and effective communication. Our support for schools and educators is designed to nurture these abilities and prepare students to lead with confidence and integrity.

Inspiring Future Leaders
Through our commitment to student leadership, we aim to inspire students to become confident, creative, and compassionate leaders who make a positive impact in the world around them. By empowering students with leadership opportunities, we help them build a foundation for success in their future academic, professional, and personal endeavors.

Student Leadership Positions

Our students serve in many different leadership and volunteer positions to support their schools, such as club coordinators and service learning club members. In addition to elementary, middle, and high school Beta Club and Student Council members, National Junior Honor Society and National Honor Society members serve as fundraising organizers for various charities. Faculty, administrative team members, and student advisors support and guide students in their endeavors to serve both the school and their community at large.

Some recent student leadership projects include the improvement of school facilities, raising money for charitable causes, and collecting items for community support programs. These student programs and projects align with our mission and vision as they help to instill a sense of civic responsibility, global citizenship, and enduring strength of character.

At Premier School Management and Education Services, we believe that fostering student leadership is essential for developing future leaders. By supporting schools and educators in providing students with opportunities to lead and make a difference, we empower them to become confident, creative, and compassionate individuals ready to make a positive impact on the world.

Crystal Caston
Director of Leadership Programs

Programs for Leadership

Through various initiatives, we support schools in providing students numerous opportunities to develop and practice their leadership skills:

Student Council: We encourage schools to establish student councils that provide leadership opportunities dedicated to advocating for the student voice and giving students a platform to be heard and run with their initiatives. Student councils operate at the elementary, middle, and high school levels, ensuring that students' needs are represented.

Beta Club: We support Beta Clubs that strive to uphold academic achievement, character, and leadership. Members participate in service projects and must maintain high academic and discipline standards.

National Honor Society: We assist in establishing National Honor Societies that uphold the pillars of leadership, service, citizenship, and character. Members maintain high academic performance and participate in community service.

Community Service Projects: We promote involving students in community service projects that develop leadership through giving back and making a positive impact on society.

Student-Run Clubs: We support high school students in starting and running clubs, fostering leadership by organizing and promoting club activities. Students must fill out a New Club Form, find a teacher sponsor, and promote their club for student attendance.

Leadership Workshops and Seminars: We help organize workshops and seminars focused on leadership development, where students can learn from experienced leaders and engage in interactive activities.