The Brain-Changing Power of Conversation

As an educational leader, I regularly notice that educational research supports universal human values, such as the importance of fostering a caring and empathetic environment for the development of children's social skills and behavior.

By Dr. Kenan Sener

As an educational leader, I regularly notice that educational research supports universal human values, such as the importance of fostering a caring and empathetic environment for the development of children's social skills and behavior. Today, I want to share a concept that not only aligns with these values but also significantly supports the brain development of our children. Yes! It is about the brain-changing power of having conversations with children.

The Importance of Conversation

Common sense tells us that having regular conversations with our children is healthy for their overall development, including their social-emotional growth. Research also supports this notion, showing that engaging in conversations with our children significantly aids their brain development.

Many of you may have heard about the "30 million word gap," a term originating from a 1995 study. This study highlighted a significant disparity in the number of words spoken to children from different socioeconomic backgrounds. The study revealed that by the age of four, a child from a high-income family hears 30 million more words than a child from a low-income family. Moreover, it showed that interactions in low socioeconomic families were often directives rather than conversations. This study explains part of the linguistic and academic gap among children from different socioeconomic backgrounds.

Quality Over Quantity

A recent study led by Rachel Romeo, a Ph.D. student at Harvard and MIT, with coauthors from both institutions and the University of Pennsylvania, adds a new dimension to our understanding. This study showed that the quality of words spoken to children is more important than the quantity. As the study explains:

“Specifically, after we equate for socioeconomic status, we find that the sheer number of words spoken by an adult was not related to children's neural processing of language, but that the number of conversational turns was. That neural response, in turn, predicted children's language skills. It really is the quality of language exposure that matters, over and above the quantity of words dumped onto a child.”

Key Takeaways for Educators and Parents

An article by Bari Walsh summarizes the key takeaways from this study for educators and parents:

  • Start Early: From infancy, parents should look for chances to have conversations with their child — even if it's just responding to coos or gurgles.
  • Transformative Conversations: Conversational interplay between caregiver and child is enough to transform the biology of kids' brains. The quality of these exchanges is more important than the quantity of words children hear.
  • Universal Impact: Conversation drives literacy skills and cognitive development across all socioeconomic levels, regardless of parents' income or education. It's a powerful, actionable, and simple tool for all parents to use.


The research is clear: engaging in meaningful conversations with our children is crucial for their brain development and overall growth. Whether you are a parent, educator, or caregiver, take the time to talk with children, listen to their responses, and engage in interactive dialogue. It’s a simple yet profoundly impactful way to support their development and set the foundation for lifelong learning and success.