Peer-Reviewed, Student-Led Journal

At Premier School Management and Education Services, we are dedicated to supporting student research and fostering a culture of intellectual curiosity and academic excellence.

Peer-Reviewed and Student-Led High School Research Journal

At Premier School Management and Education Services, we are dedicated to supporting student research and fostering a culture of intellectual curiosity and academic excellence. We are proud to introduce Scripta, our peer-reviewed and student-led high school research journal.

"Writing and research are the most precious products of human intellect. Writing is a conversation with the past and communication with the future. This is why we have Scripta. We intend to provide students with a platform to exchange their ideas and research outcomes, to excel their researching and writing skills, and communicate not only with their peers today but also with the future readers and writers. We cordially invite our teachers and students to write and contribute to our forthcoming issues. Verba volant, scripta manent - spoken words fly away, written words remain." — Dr. Ramin Adams, Director of Research and Innovation

What is Scripta?

Scripta is an academic, peer-reviewed journal published semi annually by Fulton Science Academy faculty and students. Our free and easy-to-access research articles are written by bright, diverse young minds and thoroughly edited by a collaborative team of devoted revisers.

What do we do?

Through Scripta, we aim to provide opportunities for members of the community, specifically students and teachers, to engage with complex topics through a framework of research articles, essays, reports, and reviews. As journalists, we are humble, curious, empathetic, informed, and open-minded. Our work is plain, direct, concise, and accessible, but not simplistic.

What do we want?

We seek a genuinely diverse set of discoveries and ideas with every story striving to speak to as wide an audience as possible. Our journalists are committed to the most ethical conduct in pursuing our work and aim to uphold the legacy of integrity above reproach.

Scripta Journal is registered with the Library of Congress under ISSN number 2769-9242.

To read Scripta, please visit: